Falk Lieder
Chair of the program committee, the LIS society committee, and quality assurance
I am leading the Rationality Enhancement Group at the MPI for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen. Our mission is to lay the scientific and technological foundations for motivating and empowering people to do more good in better ways.
Mike Prentice
Chair of writing and submission process, member of VIP communication and LIS society teams
I am a senior postdoc at the Rationality Enhancement Group at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. I have recently been working with Falk Lieder and Emily Corwin-Renner to write a paper on a vision for a science of life improvement. My current research is also in that area, focusing on developing interventions and making tools that help people select values and life goals that generate well-doing and well-being and help them pursue them effectively.
Emily Corwin-Renner
Conference manager: coordinating work of program, logistics, & publicity committees
I am a Ph.D. researcher at the Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology and LEAD Graduate School. My main research interests center around interventions to support motivation to learn both inside and outside the formal education context. My current research focuses on motivation regulation strategies that can be used to make dull (learning) tasks more enjoyable and interesting. Besides this, I have been collaborating with Falk Lieder and Mike Prentice to develop the foundations for establishing Life Improvement Science as a research area and movement.
Victoria Amo
Chair of conference logistics and logo designs
I am a Ph.D. researcher at the Rationality Enhancement Group in the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. I am particularly interested in understanding the connection between metacognitive processes, inner autonomy, and self-improvement. The goal of my Ph.D. project is to develop tools to help people design the best version of themselves and embody it in everyday life.
Ruiqi He
Member of conference logistics team and contact person for any LIS-related questions
I am a Ph.D. researcher at the Rationality Enhancement Group in the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. My interests lie in the intersection between machine learning, especially reinforcement learning, and cognitive science. The focus of my Ph.D. is to understand and model human metacognitive learning as well as biases using machine learning techniques. The goal is to develop an application that can sustainably improve human decision-making on a metacognitive level.
Pin-Zhen (Kelly) Chen
Chair of conference publicity, design and webmaster
I am a web developer at the Rationality Enhancement Group. Due to my interests and experiences in management, digital marketing and UX/UI design, I am responsible for the publicity, design and website for the LIS conference organization. I started to explore efficiency and effectiveness at 12 years old and I truly believe we can make our lives better by making rational choices.